Business Loan


line Fingold Loans line

Business Loan

Fingold Business Loan

Start or expand your business with Fingold

We are passionate about being responsible and leading social change through our financial products and the way we do business. Our primary objective is to work towards ensuring that all Indians have access to affordable financial products and services to help them grow.
We are good with finances, but we are even better with "People", our business loan schemes are designed to provide our customers with financial assistance to make things easier. We are here to boost your efforts to gain financial independence and help you fulfil all your aspirations.

Fingold Micro Foundation

Our Offerings

01 Fingold Loans 1
No Collateral

You do not need any asset to mortgage for loan approval.

02 Fingold Loans 2

Fast in disbursal & require min documents for approval.

03 Fingold Loans 3
Interest Rates

You can avail a loan at lower interest rates with us.

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Choose your repayment schedule & pay as per your convenience.