Personal Loan


line Fingold Loans line

Personal Loan

Fingold Personal Loan

Your financial freedom is a few steps away

Get a step closer to your dreams and goals by availing our Personal Loan and meet your financial needs. You can avail an personal loan to meet unexpected expenses, a dream holiday, school or college fees, wedding expenditure, or even purchase of consumer durables.
Fingold Micro Foundation will eliminate your fear of extensive and complicated documentation and provide assistance to you through every step of the approval process. We are here to help you at your financial needs by providing our personal loan designed to suit your personal needs and repayment capacity.

Fingold Micro Foundation

Our Offerings

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No Collateral

You do not need any asset to mortgage for loan approval.

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Fast in disbursal & require min documents for approval.

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Interest Rates

You can avail a loan at lower interest rates with us.

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Choose your repayment schedule & pay as per your convenience.