Group Loan


line Fingold Loans line

Group Loan

Fingold Group Loan

Loan provided for income generation purposes

The objective of group loan is to provide financial facilities to working women with the age group between 21-62 years for income generating activities at their doorstep. By availing the financial facilities, the women shall be able to increase their household income, amongst other thing.
Fingold Micro Foundation fully supports community growth and with the micro-loan facilities, we intend to encourage business growth as well. Our loan schemes are simple and easy to grasp, while our processes are uncomplicated and are designed to suit your needs.

Fingold Micro Foundation

Our Offerings

01 Fingold Loans 1
No Collateral

You do not need any asset to mortgage for loan approval.

02 Fingold Loans 2

Fast in disbursal & require min documents for approval.

03 Fingold Loans 3
Interest Rates

You can avail a loan at lower interest rates with us.

04 Fingold Loans 4

Choose your repayment schedule & pay as per your convenience.